Grievance Redressal Cell
The Grievance Redressal Committee attempts to address genuine problems and complaints of students, whatever be the nature of the problem. Students are encouraged of the college to use the suggestion boxes placed in different sections of the campus to express constructive suggestions and grievances. They may also approach the members of the Grievance Redressal cell or any faculty members as maybe comfortable to them. Students may also express their grievances online by filling out the form below. Students are requested to note that making a complaint is serious and, therefore, they are to use this power in a responsible manner. At the same time, the college assures students that once a complaint is made, it will be treated with sensitivity and confidentiality.
As per the orders of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi dated 17th and 24th May, 2019 and GGS IP University Advisories dated 23rd May, 29th May and 10th June, 2019 respectively, the Grievance Redressal Committee was constituted in the College vide Circular No. CPJCHS/2019-20/496 dated 6th June, 2019. Further, the Grievance Redressal Committee has been reconstituted in the College vide Circular No. CPJCHS/2022-23/116 dated 3rd January, 2023. Following Staff Members and Student Representatives shall supervise and advise the students to redress their grievances from time-to-time
Counselor Details:
A qualified Psychologist, has been appointed by the College on a Part-Time basis to visit the college one day per week, i.e., Wednesday from 10:00 am to 02:00 pm to counsel the students.